In this article, you'll find information to help interpret your VisitorView dashboards.
VisitorView International provides estimates of total non-American and non-Canadian visitors’ trips and nights to Canadian tourism regions, sub-regions, provinces, all CMAs, CDs and CSDs with 50,000+ population. There are four dashboards available.
Destination Type: The level of geography used for the report.
Destination: The place visited.
Year: Temporal range used for the report.
Comparison Year: Time range used to compare data.
Variable: Select from Nights, Trips, or Nights per Trip.
Metric: Data can be represented as Estimated Count, % Change-Month over Month, or % Change-Year over Year.
Origin Type: Select countries of international origin or from broader global regions.
International visitors accounted for 1,499,825 trips and 20,355,342 total nights to British Columbia in 2023. During this time period, visitors from the United Kingdom took the most trips, 247,518 or 16.5% of total trips. Visitors from the United Kingdom accounted for 2,696,963 total nights, which accounts for 13.2% of total nights spent by international visitors to this province. Compared to 2022, total trips were up significantly year over year and month over month, looking at available data.
Origin Type: Select between country or region categories.
Origin: Select specific countries or global regions.
Year: Temporal range used for the report.
Comparison Year: Time range used to compare data. Only applicable if the % Change-Year over Year metric is selected.
Variable: Select from Nights, Trips, or Nights per Trip.
Metric: Data can be represented as Estimated Count, % Change-Month over Month, or % Change-Year over Year.
This data shows the top five provinces by nights spent by travellers from the United Kingdom in 2023. Most visitors from the United Kingdom travelled to these provinces during the summer months. Ontario and British Columbia account for the most nights spent, during the month of July, UK visitors spent over 700,000 and 450,000 nights in Ontario and British Columbia respectively.