MobileScapes Geofence Explorer Field Descriptions & Categories List

Geofence Explorer Field Definitions
Order  Field  Description 
1 EAID This field provides a unique ID for the location. This is the field that clients should share if they have any questions about a location or polygon and would like to submit user feedback.
2 Name Name and address of the entity.
3 Parent Company Populated for any location that includes a Parent Company. 
4 Banner Populated for any location that can be conceived of as having a banner. For example, this would be “Subaru” for any location from that chain. Locations representing individual locations (i.e. not part of a chain) would not have a banner.
5 Location Name The most granular name available for a location. In some instances, the most granular name is the banner or name of the city in which the location is found, while in others, it could be the franchisee's name. For example, the Banner name may be “Subaru," but the location name could be “Pfaff Subaru."
6 Category: Sub-category High-level category (e.g. Retail) and secondary category. (e.g. Grocery)
7 CSDNAMEE Name of the Census Subdivision (CSD) in English
8 PRAMEE Name of the Province (PR) in English
9 Date Modified  Indicates the date of the most recent modification, if any, to a location attribute or polygon.
10 Modified Code  Indicates the reasons for a change in the record as flagged by the digit codes below, otherwise the code will be NULL for a new record.
10.1 1st Digit Name change
0 = no change
1 = change
10.2 2nd Digit Descriptive field change
0 = no change
1 = Location Name, Banner Name, or Parent Company Name change
10.3 3rd Digit Spatial/polygon fields
0 = no change
1 = Polygon shape adjustment
2 = Polygon relocation
10.4 4th Digit Primary Status Change
0 = no change
1 = change
10.5 5th Digit Geofence Type Change
0 = no change
1 = change
10.6 6th Digit  Category Change
0 = no change
1 = change


Geofence Explorer Categories List
Category Type Sub-Category
Activity Golf
Activity Municipal Recreation and Community Facilities
Activity Public Libraries 
Attraction Casinos
Attraction Colleges and Universities
Attraction Convention Centers 
Attraction Entertainment Parks 
Attraction Historical Sites
Attraction Large Gathering Venues 
Attraction Movie Theaters 
Attraction Museums and Galleries 
Attraction Wildlife Attractions 
Financial  Bank 
Financial  Credit Union
Fitness  Big Box Fitness 
Fitness Boutique Fitness 
Greenspaces Conservation 
Greenspaces Large CMA Park
Greenspaces National Park 
Greenspaces Provincial Park 
Greenspaces Small CMA Park 
Greenspaces Unclassified 
Healthcare  Hospital 
Restaurants Coffee and Donut Shop
Restaurants Pizza
Restaurants Quick Service 
Restaurants Sit-Down Dining 
Restaurants  Specialty Items
Retail Alcohol 
Retail Automotive Dealership 
Retail Books
Retail Business Improvement Area (BIA)
Retail Cannabis 
Retail Clothing 
Retail Convenience 
Retail Cosmetics
Retail Drugstore 
Retail Electronics 
Retail Fuel
Retail Fuel and Convenience 
Retail Furniture and Home 
Retail Garden Centres 
Retail Grocery 
Retail Hardware 
Retail Jewelry and Accessories 
Retail Mass Merchants and Club Stores  
Retail Office Supplies and Stationery 
Retail Pet Stores and Supplies
Retail Shoes 
Retail Sporting Goods 
Retail Toys and Hobbies 
Retail Telecommunications
Retail Shopping Centre Community Shopping Centre 
Retail Shopping Centre Convenience Shopping Centre
Retail Shopping Centre Neighborhood Shopping Centre 
Retail Shopping Centre Outlet Shopping Centre 
Retail Shopping Centre Power Centre 
Retail Shopping Centre Regional Mall
Retail Shopping Centre Retail-Mixed-Use Development 
Retail Shopping Centre Shopping Centre Hybrid 
Retail Shopping Centre Super-Regional Mall
Travel  Airports - Domestic
Travel  Airports - International
Travel  Car Rentals 
Travel  Hotels