Why is my distance decay report output blank?

Distance Decay - Customer (DD) reports requires two inputs to run: a customer file and a location. The key reason why a report may be returned blank or an error created is that ENVISION was looking for a Location Id (this field was assigned in the importing process) and was unable to find this field in both inputs. 

Note: The Location Id is not mandatory when importing customer or location files or for the running of this report. However, if you do have a Location Id that links your customer and location files, this field must be contained in both files. If one file contains a Location Id and the other does not, ENVISION will be forced to look for the link and the report will not run properly. 

When importing customer and location files, only include the Location Id field if ALL files contain this field.

Select location id field drop-down

If you are receiving blank reports and not sure whether you assigned a Location Id to your files when importing, you can check this on the properties page for the file.

Always ensure that both the customer and location files either have the Location Id fields assigned or not at all. Remember that having a Location Id allows you to batch run Distance Decay reports. Regardless of whether you want to include the Location Id field or not, it is best to delete the files and re-import, or create a new workspace and import the files again.

Customer Files

  1. In the side panel, navigate to My Data > Customers and click your customer file.
  2. The Properties page will load, where a Data Fields section can be found in the bottom right of the page. If you see the name of the Location Id field, then it was imported correctly.

Location Files

  1. In the side panel, navigate to My Data > Locations and click your desired location. 
  2. The Properties page will load, with all the location properties (from the location file). If there is a Location Id field in the box, then it was imported correctly. 

Note: If your locations are not assigned Location Id's, you can add them manually in the properties page. However, if you have many locations, it will be easier to simply delete them all and re-import or import in a new workspace.

Please see Distance Decay opens in new window for more information.