TrafficCounts - Canada

TrafficCounts provides the most up-to-date information on consumers' traffic patterns and volume from Kalibrate's TrafficMetrix® database. As the industry's most current traffic measurement product, TrafficMetrix offers 24-hour average daily traffic counts for highways and major roads throughout Canada. Kalibrate collects this data through a variety of sources: city governments, engineering firms, highway and transportation departments, as well as their own field verifications. With TrafficCounts, businesses and not-for-profits can make better site and territory analysis decisions. The data are field-verified, so users can be confident they have the most accurate traffic count database for a variety of geo-analytics projects.

Below you will find a short video that covers product details, sources, methodology, applications and key questions about this product. Watching this video will provide you with an overview of the product and give you some ideas for how it can be used in your own work.

Following the video, there are some additional resources linked for your reference: release notes, variable list and metadata.

Additional Resources