Using MobileScapes Data Extract Summary Report Tool

The MobileScapes Data Extract Summary Report tool summarizes key metrics from a standard MobileScapes data extract in a downloadable PDF file. The Summary Report includes visual features such as graphs, tables, and maps to help you understand your data.

This tool can provide a snapshot of how many visitors and visits there were to your locations, what the demographic and PRIZM® or PRIZM® Premier makeup is of those visitors and visits, and the geographic distribution of those visits.

Inputs required:

    1. Launch the MobileScapes Data Extract Summary Report tool.

      Summary report tool icon
    2. Select your MobileScapes extract from the list by clicking its checkmark. Click Create Report.

      Select MobileScapes extract
    3. Navigate to the Results page to download your Summary Report.

Tip: Your report can be customized to align with your organization's branding by configuring a primary colour and logo in ENVISION opens in new window.

For more information on understanding your Summary Report file, see our How-To-Read documentation opens in new window.