FSALDU: The six-digit postal code.
LATITUDE: The latitude of the postal code.
LONGITUDE: The longitude of the postal code.
COMMNAME: Matches the Serving Office Delivery Installation Area Name from the Household Elite File. Different spellings on the Community Name are included for geocoding purposes. The unique rural postal code and Community Name will have a CNLI of 1.
CNLI: The community name link indicator (CNLI) is used for geocoding or matching postal codes to community names and is only found in the rural enhanced license file. CNLI 3 (Historical names from older files, previously used to create the PCCF Rural Enhanced, also includes some alternative spellings, linked to a postal code) and 4 (Alternative Spelling of community names for CNLI 1, 2 & 3) are used for geocoding and will return the same DA or XY as CNLI 1 (SLI - Most representative Community Name. See COMMNAME.) and 2 (Communities linked to a signal postal code) and in some cases 3. CNLI 1 and 2 are used to link all standard community names to a Postal Code.
SLI: The single link indicator (SLI) was created to assist users in dealing with postal codes with multiple records. The method used to establish the single link indicator identifies the geographic area with the majority of dwellings assigned to a particular postal code.
RETIRED: The postal code is not in the Canada Post Household Elite File or the Canada Post Address file, but was active in a previous year.
ACTIVE: The postal code is in the Canada Post Household Elite File.
BUSINESS: Postal codes that are 100% business, not residential.
APARTMENT: Postal codes that are 100% apartments.
POBOX: The postal code has some component of a Lock Box Address Record, Route Service Address Record or a General Delivery Address Record defined by the Canada Post Address file. The location of the POBox will not necessarily reflect the location of household addresses.
INDEMO: (In Demographics) The postal code is included in the roster of postal codes that includes modelled data.
PRIZM: The individual segment numbers are based on SESI (Socioeconomic Status Indicator), a composite score that reflects a variety of factors, such as average household income, discretionary income, educational attainment, the value of private dwellings, average net worth and household size. The 67 segments have been ranked from one to 67 on the SESI scale, with one classified as the highest.
NAME: The name assigned to the PRIZM segment.
SG: Each of the 67 segments are organized into one of 20 Social Groups based on the urban-rural context, home language (English, French and non-official), affluence, family status, age of maintainer and ethnicity. Social Groups represent various groupings, patterns and trends. Each segment is also assigned to one of five settlement types: Urban, Urban Fringe, Suburban, Town or Rural. The ranking of Social Groups is based on average income (not a SESI ranking). Groups have a letter and number combination. The letters U, F, S, T and R stand for Urban, Urban Fringe, Suburban, Town or Rural, while the numbers refer to income, with one indicating the highest average income for the group and seven representing the lowest.
SGNAME: The name assigned to the Social Group.
SGSort: Numeric code used to sort or group PRIZM segments by Social Group.
LS: The 67 segments are categorized into 8 Lifestage Groups based on the presence of singles, couples and families. The grouping divides the 67 segments into Young, Family and Mature classifications, and then further subdivides them by analyzing the commonality amongst them.
LSNAME: The name assigned to the Lifestage Group.
LSSort: Numeric code used to sort or group PRIZM segments by Lifestage.
PRCDDA: The code for the Dissemination Area.
PRCDADA: The code for the Aggregate Dissemination Area.
PRCDCSD: The code for the Census Subdivision.
CSDNAME: The name of the Census Subdivision.
CSDTYPE: The code for the Census Subdivision type.
CSDTYPEN: The name for the Census Subdivision type.
PRCD: The code for the Census Division.
CDNAME: The name of the Census Division.
CDTYPE: The code for the Census Division type.
CDTYPEN: The name for the Census Division type.
PR: The code for the Province.
PRNAME: The name of the Province.
PRABB: The abbreviation of the Province.
CMACT: The code for the Census Tract.
CTNAME: The name of the Census Tract.
CMACA: The code for the Census Metropolitan Area.
CMANAME: The name of the Census Metropolitan Area.
CMATYPE: The code for the Census Metropolitan Area type.
CMATYPEN: The name of the Census Metropolitan Area type.
PRCMA: The code for the Census Metropolitan Area (Provincial Split).
PRCMANAME: The name of the Census Metropolitan Area (Provincial Split).
REG: The code for the Region.
REGNAME: The name of the Region.
CAN: The code for the Country.
CANNAME: The name of the Country.
PRFED13: The code for the Federal Electoral District.
FED13NAME: The name of the Federal Electoral District.
PRCDCCS: The code for the Census Consolidated Subdivision.
CCSNAME: The name of the Census Consolidated Subdivision.
PRER: The code for the Economic Region.
ERNAME: The name of the Economic Region.