Segmentation data - Working with PRIZM®

The concepts covered in this lesson can also be applied to other Segmentation databases, such as:


Appending Segments and Geography to Customer Files

Watch this video to learn how to append segments and standard geography—also known as geocoding—to your customer files.


We use profiles to understand the PRIZM® segment composition of a Trade Area and compare it to a larger geographic area for context.

Trade Area profiles help answer the questions: Which segments are in my trade area? What social groups do the segments in my area belong to? What lifestage do the high-index segments in my trade area belong to?

Example: Create a PRIZM® profile of a Trade Area compared to a Benchmark.

A Customer profile is used to understand the PRIZM® composition of your customer file, to identify your best customers.

Comparing the PRIZM® composition of your customers to a Benchmark quantifies the segments with higher and lower concentration in your customer list and allows you to find the higher performing segments in the market.

Customer PRIZM® profiles help answer the questions: What segments do my customers belong to? Who are my best customers?

Example: Create a PRIZM® profile of a Customer file compared to a Benchmark.

Return to the outline to select another data category 5 - Working with your licensed EA Data.