In this article, you'll find information to help interpret your Consumer Buying Power reports in ENVISION; definitions for report headers and examples of what these mean.
The Consumer Buying Power (CBP) report can be used to understand the potential expenditure of consumer units (a combined count of households and college/university dormitory population) in a particular market. CBP provides geography-based estimates of potential annual consumer spending. The data allow users to identify the potential demand for a wide variety of products and services by geographic area, regardless of where consumers make their purchases. The report is divided into sections including more than 700 expenditure categories, 40 Retail Store Types, and 53 Yellow Pages Headings.
Aggregate Expenditure Estimate: Estimated total dollar spent on the line item by Consumer Units found in the Trade Area, regardless of where the dollars were spent.
%: Proportion of the aggregate annual expenditures (for the Category Summary section) or total category dollars in the Trade Area.
Base Aggregate Expenditure Estimate: Estimated total dollars spent on the line item by Consumer Units in the benchmark.
Base %: Proportion of the aggregate annual expenditures (for the Category Summary section) or total category dollars in the benchmark.
$/Consumer Unit: Average dollar spend per Consumer Unit in the Trade Area.
Base: $/Consumer Unit: Average dollar spend per Consumer Unit in the Benchmark.
Index: $/Consumer Unit: A measure of how similar or different the Trade Area is from the Benchmark, specifically in terms of average dollars spent per Consumer Unit.
In the below example, $5,630,776,147 was spent on alcoholic beverages by all Consumer Units in total in the Trade Area of Los Angeles, CA, compared to $97,345,618,348 for the benchmark of the United States. As a proportion of the Category Summary section, Consumer Units in Los Angeles spent 1.15% of their annual expenditures on alcoholic beverages compared to 1.07% for the United States. In Los Angeles, $937 per Consumer Unit is spent on alcoholic beverages compared to $751 per Consumer Unit in the United States, representing an above-average rate of 25% (Index = 125) compared to the United States.