Geocoded GeoStats Table

This article will help you interpret the GeoStats (geocoding results) of an imported customer file.

What is the ePCCF?

Enhanced Postal Code Conversion File: Canadian postal codes listed with corresponding latitude, longitude, geographical reference fields and PRIZM segment classification.

Unique ePCCF: Includes urban and rural postal codes and uses the single-indicator geocoding for urban and rural postal codes.

Rural Enhanced ePCCF: Uses the combination of postal code and town/city name to provide greater precision in locating rural records and results in more accurate assignment of geographic and segmentation data to customer records in rural areas.

Total Imported Records/Total Records: Number of rows of data in the customer database. 

Not Licensed: Number of records that fell outside of your licensed geography. 

Not Coded: Number of records for which a postal code match was not found. 

Geocoded: Number of records assigned a latitude and longitude. 

Unique ePCCF/Urban/Rural/Rural Enhanced ePCCF: Number of records assigned a latitude and longitude using the Unique ePCCF (using postal codes alone). Count of Urban and Rural coded records.

Business: Number of records assigned a Business flag (B), meaning Canada Post classifies as 100% Business. These records are dropped from all analyses. 

Retired: Number of records assigned a Retired flag (R). These records are included in the analysis if coded as PRIZM Segment 01 through 67. 

PRIZM coded: Number of records assigned to a classified PRIZM segment. 

Unclassified: Number of records assigned an unclassified PRIZM Segment - insufficient data to determine segmentation of postal code. 

This screenshot shows an example of a GeoStats result:

The geocoder uses a multi-step approach to plot the records. First, it attempts to match at the street address level. If it is unsuccessful, then it attempts the ZIP+4 level. If still unsuccessful, it attempts at the ZIP Code level. Failure at this point results in a Not Coded record.

Total Imported Records/Total Records: Number of rows of data in the customer database. 

Not Licensed: Number of records that fell outside of your licensed geography. If you license data for a specific State and have a record outside of that State, it will be classified as Not Licensed. 

Not Coded: Number of records for which a match was not found. 

Geocoded: Number of records assigned a latitude and longitude. 

Street: Number of records assigned a latitude and longitude using the street address. 

Street (extrapolated): A record geocoded to an extrapolated street address means that the record is coded to an estimated location based on the range of addresses on that street. 

ZIP/ZIP+4: Number of records assigned a latitude and longitude using the ZIP+4 Code centroid. 

Claritas PRIZM Premier Coded: Number of records assigned a valid Segment code. 

Segment Level BG: Number of records assigned a Segment code at the Block Group level. 

Segment Level ZIP/ZIP+4: Number of records assigned a Segment code at the ZIP+4 level. If the record is geocoded to the ZIP+4 Code, it uses the most frequently occurring Segmentation Code in that area. 

Unclassified: Number of records assigned an unclassified Segment - insufficient data to determine segmentation.

This screenshot shows an example of a GeoStats result: