Ranking Consumption Reports (Generic)

In this article, you'll find information to help interpret your Ranking Consumption reports in ENVISION, including definitions for report headers and examples of what they mean.

ENVISION users can access this information without leaving the platform by clicking the "How to Read" button located at the top-right corner of their reports.

Note: Our standard ENVISION tools, like the ones described below, can be used with any database you license, such as DemoStats, SocialValues, HouseholdSpend, WealthScapes, etc. In some cases, the report outputs described here may need additional interpretation to apply to your databases. Our Support team opens in new window is here to help if any questions arise. 

The Ranking Consumption - Target Group report is a way to rank consumption variables based on a Target Group. The fields in this report are optimized for consumption data. These reports reflect the distribution of customers across behavioural and financial consumption variables.

Consumption Unit: The aggregate expenses of the consumption variable in the Target Group.

Unit/Hhld: The weighted proportion of expenditures ($) per household within the Target Group.

% Comp: The weighted proportion of Target Group households exhibiting that behaviour.

Base Consumption Unit: The aggregate expenses of the consumption variable in the benchmark.

Base Unit/Hhld: The average expenditure ($) per household in the benchmark that exhibits that behaviour.

Base % Comp: The average proportion of the benchmark households exhibiting that behaviour.

Index: Unit/Hhld: This index provides a measure for comparing consumption variable expenses in the Target Group to the benchmark while also describing the neighbourhoods where the Target Group is likely to live.

Index: % Comp: This index provides a measure for comparing consumption variable rates in the Target Group to the benchmark and describes the neighbourhoods where the Target Group is likely to live.

Focus on the Unit/Hhld, % Comp and the two Index columns in this report.

In our example, the estimated average expenditure on Unsweetened rolls and buns is $95.99 per household within the Target Group. With an Index value of 151, this Target Group is likely spending 51% more than the benchmark (Canada) average. 10.27% represents the estimated proportion of the Target Group who live in the benchmark and are likely to consume Unsweetened rolls and buns. This value is based on weights computed using the number of households in the Target Group and the consumption data for the neighbourhoods in the benchmark.

Note: Variability in consumption patterns can be seen from one category to the next and between variables. This is due to subjectivity and response rates to individual survey questions.

Screenshot of report in ENVISION

The Ranking Consumption - Customers report is a way to rank consumption variables based on a customer file, outside of a Ranking Variables report. These reports reflect the distribution of customers across behavioural consumption variables.

Unit/Hhld: The weighted proportion of expenditures ($) per household within the customer file.

% Comp: The weighted proportion of households in the customer file that exhibit that behaviour.

Base Unit/Hhld: The average expenditure ($) per household in the benchmark that exhibits that behaviour.

Base % Comp: The average proportion of the benchmark households exhibiting that behaviour.

Index: Unit/Hhld: This index provides a measure for comparing consumption variable expenses while also describing the neighbourhood where customers are likely to live.

Index: % Comp: This index provides a measure for comparing consumption variable rates while also describing the neighbourhood where customers are likely to live.

Focus on the Unit/Hhld, % Comp and the two Index columns in this report.

In our example, the estimated average Tuna (canned) expenditure is $22.57 per household within the customer file. With an Index value of 149, these customers are likely spending 49% more than the benchmark (Canada) average. Of all Fish and seafood products that the customers purchased, a proportion of 7.52% of the total yearly dollars is spent on Tuna (canned). This value is based on weights that are computed using the number of customers and the consumption data for the neighbourhoods in the benchmark.

Note: Variability in consumption patterns can be seen from one category to the next and between variables. This is due to subjectivity and response rates to individual survey questions.

Screenshot of report in ENVISION

The Ranking Consumption—Trade Area report ranks consumption variables outside of a Ranking Variables report. If you use a non-dollar value variable (e.g., hours, cups of coffee, number of magazines, etc.), this report provides a column for total consumption for the area and a consumption unit per household measure.

Consumption Unit: The aggregate expenses of the consumption variable in the Trade Area.

Unit/Hhld: The average expenses per household of the consumption variable in the Trade Area.

% Comp: The proportion of the total consumption (parent variable) that composes the consumption variable (child variable) in the Trade Area.

Base Consumption Unit: The aggregate expenses of the consumption variable in the benchmark.

Base Unit/Hhld: The average expenses per household of the consumption variable in the benchmark.

Base % Comp: The proportion of total consumption (parent variables) that composes the consumption variable (child variable) in the benchmark.

Index Unit/Hhld: Compares the average expenses per household in the Trade Area to the average expenses per household in the benchmark.

Index % Comp: Compares the proportion of total expenses in the Trade Area to the proportion of total expenses in the benchmark (average = 100). 

For example, in Kingston, Ontario, the average daily consumption of Herbal tea is 0.41 cups per household. This is 10% (Index Unit/Hhld = 110) above average compared to the 0.37 cups consumed in the Canada benchmark. Herbal tea represents 44.76% of the total daily consumption in the beverage category for the Trade Area. 

Screenshot of report in ENVISION

The Ranking Consumption—Trade Area report ranks consumption variables outside of a Ranking Variables report. If you use dollar values, this report provides a column for total dollar values for the area, as well as a dollars per household measure.

Consumption Unit: The aggregate expenses of the consumption variable in the Trade Area.

Unit/Hhld: The average expenses per household of the consumption variable in the Trade Area.

% Comp: The proportion of the total consumption (parent variable) that composes the consumption variable (child variable) in the Trade Area.

Base Consumption Unit: The aggregate expenses of the consumption variable in the benchmark.

Base Unit/Hhld: The average expenses per household of the consumption variable in the benchmark.

Base % Comp: The proportion of total consumption (parent variables) that composes the consumption variable (child variable) in the benchmark.

Index Unit/Hhld: Compares the average expenses per household in the Trade Area to the average expenses per household in the benchmark.

Index % Comp: Compares the proportion of total expenses in the Trade Area to the proportion of total expenses in the benchmark (average = 100). 

For example, the total yearly dollar balance in personal savings & investments is $192,470.90 per household in Kingston, Ontario. This is 22% (Index Unit/Hhld = 122) above average compared to the $157,913.07 per household in personal savings & investments in the benchmark of Canada. Personal savings & investments represent 88.69% of the total yearly dollars being invested in this Finance category for the Trade Area. 

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