Once you have geocoded a customer file, you can then export it with a longitude, latitude, and segmentation code (if licensed) for each record. The longitude and latitude are the location that the customer has been geocoded to. The Segmentation Code indicates which segment each customer has been assigned. Your exported file can then be used outside of ENVISION for further analyses.
Note: Appending the segmentation code is only available if you have a licensed segmentation system.
In the side panel, click My Data > Customers.
Click the Name of the customer file you wish to export. This will lead to the geocoding results page.
In the top left of the page, click Download.
Select any geographic levels that you would like to append to your customer file.
ENVISION Canada Workspaces
If you license a segmentation system, you will see it listed here. In the dialog box, select the segmentation system to append the codes.
ENVISION Canada Workspaces
Note: ENVISION USA workspaces require corresponding segmentation directories for the segmentation systems licensed.
You can also select any additional fields that you would like to append to your customer file.
Click Download.
In the side panel, navigate to the Results page to download your file.