
SiteScore Overview

SiteScore uses Environics Analytics data sources and real competitive sales data from Restaurant Trends, a leading provider of Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) sales, to model prospective business locations for Hamburger, Mexican, and Chicken QSR in the USA. Sources include current year and projected census demographics, employment, demand for QSR patronage, mobility data, consumer behavior, and competitor sales from primary and secondary locations. Over 85% of all locations with sales are included in the Restaurant Trends database. Where sales on specific chains are not available from this database, we used our EA business opens in new window location database for reporting purposes.

By using SiteScore, users can plan their investment more strategically and identify profitable business locations for expansion in new and existing QSR markets.

Using SiteScore in ENVISION

SiteScore is available through the Mapping tool in ENVISION. Please see the SiteScore ENVISION Tutorial opens in new window to understand how to use the data product in ENVISION.

SiteScore reports produce three unique data pages for each location:

1. Trade Area and Summary

The Trade Area and Summary page include a modeled trade area extent from mobility data and a drive-time trade area for a prospective location, alongside primary and secondary competitor locations.

2. Detail and Summary

The Detail and Summary page includes additional details and insights on the prospective site and trade area. In addition to index scores for the location, expenditures, and market potential, this report page provides more detail on the population by age and ethnicity.

3. QSR Category Primary and Secondary competitors

The QSR Category page includes a listing of up to 20 of the closest competitors, both primary and secondary, in descending order by drivetime from the prospective location. This page provides a National Market index and Designated Market Area (DMA) index, which helps users identify brands that have high relative sales to their peers both nationally and within the DMA.

SiteScore Key Index Definitions

Location Index Score measures the quality of the location based on variables considered important to the performance of a location. An index score of less than 100 represents a location with less potential, and a greater than 100 represents a location with greater potential relative to a typical location.

QSR Expenditure Index measures the QSR dollar expenditure in the trade area. An index score less than 100 represents a trade area with less QSR dollar demand than a typical location and an index score greater than 100 represents a trade area with more QSR dollar demand than a typical location.

Competition Index measures the competitive intensity in the trade area. An index score less than 100 represents a trade area with less competition, and an index score greater than 100 represents a trade area with greater competition relative to a typical location.

QSR Market Potential Index (PRIZM® Premier) measures a household's likelihood to frequent a QSR location. An index score less than 100 represents a trade area with households less likely to be QSR customers, and an index score greater than 100 represents a trade area with households more likely to be QSR customers.

National Market Index compares the performance of a competitor location in the same restaurant chain to the average performing competitor location on a national level. An index of less than 100 represents a location with less than average sales volume, and a greater than 100 represents a location with higher than average sales volume.

DMA Market Index compares the performance of a competitor location in the same restaurant chain to the average performing competitor location at the DMA level. An index less than 100 represents a location with less than average sales volume, and an index greater than 100 represents a location with higher than average sales volume.