Importing Locations

Location files can be imported through one of the following options:

Please see the following video (7:38 mins) for an overview.

Import Locations Using Address Information

You can import large location files using address information. Examples of location files include stores, branches and dealers. 

Use WalkMe Through to be taken through a step-by-step of this process in ENVISION itself. Click on the WalkMe Through button below to get started.

WalkMe Through

Upload the File

Before importing your location, it is important that your file is formatted correctly. Please see How do I prepare data for importing files? opens in new window

Note: ENVISION cannot always distinguish between street addresses with the same names on both sides of the border. If you have locations in both Canada and the US, please separate them before import. This requirement does not apply when geocoding customers.

For example:

Location file format example

  1. In the side panel, click Import Data > Locations > Geocode Address.

    Select geocode address from locations drop-down in import data menu

  2. Drag and drop your location file into the upload box, or click the Add add icon button to browse for your file.

    Add files box

    Once a file has been placed in the box, the Add add icon button will change to the Upload upload icon button.

    Upload files box

  3. Click the Upload upload icon button.


Location Properties

The contents of your file will be available in the File Preview window. You can further adjust your file in the Properties section. 

Properties section details

  1. In the Dataset Name field, adjust the name of your location file.

  2. In the Dataset Description field, add any necessary information about your location file. 

  3. In the Name Field and Location ID Field, select the field that correlates to the nomenclature within your file.

  4. Turn the Available in All Workspaces switch on or off as required.

    Available in all workspaces toggle

    • OFF means that this file is only available in the current workspace.
    • ON means that this file is available in every workspace.
  5. Click Next Step.


Specify Address Information

You may specify your address fields in the Address Information pane. The geocoding process will use the street address, city, Province/State and Postal Code/ZIP(+4) fields. Please ensure that your location has these four fields. 

  1. In the Street Address Field section, click the field that contains the street address for the locations.

  2. In the City Field list, click the field that contains the city.

    Street address and city fields

  3. In the Province/State Field list, click the field that contains the appropriate Province/State.

  4. In the Postal Code/ZIP(+4) Field list, click the field that contains the Postal Code/ZIP(+4).

    ENVISION Canada Workspaces
    Province and postal code details

    ENVISION USA Workspaces
    State and ZIP details

  5. Click Next Step.


Specify Additional Fields

You can choose to import any additional fields that you may wish to use later in your analysis. If your file includes fields like store size, product/service offerings, store layout, or URL, you may wish to include them here. Selecting the data type for these additional fields will display them as additional information in the attributes window on a map. For example, if you have a web site for each location, this column would be set with a URL type. This enables ENVISION to treat it as a link that can be clicked in the attribute window.

  1. Set any field(s) for import by turning the switch ON.

  2. In the drop-down list, click the appropriate data type for that field.

    Note: You can upload up to 50 location characteristics. 

    ENVISION Canada Workspaces
    Canadian additional fieldsCanadian geography details

    ENVISION USA Workspaces
    USA additional fieldsUSA geography details

  3. Click Next Step.

    A message will display indicating that you are finished, you will also receive a notification when the file becomes available for use.

    Finished message

    Your imported location(s) will be available in the Results page.

Import Locations Using Coordinates

You can import large location files using coordinates (longitude and latitude). Examples of location files include stores, branches and dealers.

Use WalkMe Through to be taken through a step-by-step of this process in ENVISION itself. Click on the WalkMe Through button below to get started.

WalkMe Through


Upload the File

Before importing your location, it is important that your file is formatted correctly. Please see How do I prepare data for importing files? opens in new window

For example:

Location file format example

  1. In the side panel, click Import Data > Locations > Coordinates.

    Select coordinates under locations drop-down in import data menu

  2. Drag and drop your location file into the upload box, or click the Add add icon button to browse for your file.

    Add files box

    Once a file has been placed in the box, the Add add icon button will change to the Upload upload icon  button.

    Upload files box

  3. Click the Upload upload icon button.


Location Properties

The contents of your file will be available in the File Preview window. You can further adjust your file in the Properties section. 

Properties fields

  1. In the Dataset Name field, adjust the name of your location file.

  2. In the Dataset Description field, add any necessary information about your location file. 

  3. In the Name Field and Location ID Field, select the field that correlates to the nomenclature within your file.

  4. Turn the Available in All Workspaces switch on or off as required.

    Available in all workspaces toggle

    • OFF means that this file is only available in the current workspace.
    • ON means that this file is available in every workspace.
  5. Click Next Step


Specify Coordinates

You may specify your coordinates in the Address Information pane. Selecting the address information in this step will simply add it to the properties of the location and will not be used for geocoding. If your location file only has coordinates, there is no need to select address information in this step.

ENVISION Canada Workspaces

Canadian address informationCanadian coordinates information


USA address informationUSA coordinates information

  1. In the Address Information section, select any of the fields containing address information for your locations.

  2. In the Latitude (Y) Field list, click the field that contains the latitude (Y) coordinates.

  3. In the Longitude (X) Field list, click the field that contains the longitude (X) coordinates.

  4. Click Next Step.


Specify Additional Fields

You can choose to import any additional fields that you may wish to use later in your analysis. If your file includes fields like store size, product/service offerings, store layout, or URL, you may wish to include them here. Selecting the data type for these additional fields will display them as additional information in the attributes window on a map. For example, if you have a web site for each location, this column would be set with a URL type. This enables ENVISION to treat it as a link that can be clicked in the attribute window.

  1. Set any field(s) for import by turning the switch ON.

  2. In the drop-down list, click the appropriate data type for that field.

    Note: You can upload up to 50 location characteristics. 

    ENVISION Canada Workspaces
    Canadian additional fieldsCanadian geography details

    ENVISION USA Workspaces
    USA additional fieldsUSA geography details

  3. Click Next Step.

    A message will display indicating that you are finished, you will also receive a notification when the file becomes available for use.

    Finished message

    Your imported location(s) will be available on the Results page.