Importing Customer Data Summarized by Standard Geography

You can import customer data summarized or aggregated by a level of standard geography. You can also create maps and reports based on your customer data. This will work with the codes for any level of standard geography.

Use WalkMe Through to be taken through a step-by-step of this process in ENVISION itself. Click on the WalkMe Through button below to get started.

WalkMe Through

Inputs Required

Note: While geographic codes can represent any geographic level, the data in these files will only roll up to completely nested higher geographies. The entire geographic code must be in a single field, with leading zeros included where applicable. The codes must also be unique. If the same code exists multiple times, the data will not be aggregated automatically.

  1. In the side panel, click Import Data > Customers > Geographic Codes.

    Select geographic codes from customers drop-down under import data menu

  2. Drag and drop your customer file into the upload box, or click the Add add icon button to browse for your file.

    Add files box

    Once a file has been placed in the box, the Add add icon button will change to the Upload upload icon button. 

  3. Click the Upload upload icon button.

    Upload files box

  4. The File Preview window will display and you can adjust your file properties as required.

    File properties details

    1. In the Dataset Name box, change the default name if required. This is the name that will appear on all dashboards an maps.

    2. In the Dataset Description box, give your file a description, where you can add any additional details to further define your customer list.

    3. In the Tags box, enter any keywords you wish. These are used for better searching. 

    4. Turn the Available in all Workspaces on or off as required.

      • ON means that this file is available in every workspaces
      • OFF means that this file is only available in the current workspace 
    5. Set the Start Date and End Date as required. They act as tags referring to the vintage of your data. They can also be used to specify whether customer records become active and inactive.

    6. Click Next Step

  5. Specify your Import Settings, in the following window. 

    Import settings details

    1. In the Geographic Level list, click the level of geography used to summarize your data.

      ENVISION Canada Workspaces
      Canadian geography levels

      ENVISION USA Workspaces
      USA geography levels

      Please see Canadian Geography opens in new window or USA Geography opens in new window for more information.

    2. In the Geographic Code Field list, click the field that contains the codes. 

      For the Record Definitions section, consider how your data is aggregated.

    3. Select the appropriate Base Variable 

    4. Choose whether you would like to use Record Count or Record Weight

      • Record Count should be used if you do not have an aggregate customer count
      • Record Weight should be used if you have an aggregated customer count

      Note: If you choose Record Weight, you must also select the filed that contains the number of customers in the geography. 

  6. Click Next Step

    In the following window, you will choose the Additional Fields that contain the summarized data that you are importing. Things like sales, frequency, store number, tenure, or type, can be included here. Selecting the data type for these additional fields is also important.

    ENVISION Canada Workspaces
    Canadian additional fields

    ENVISION USA Workspaces

    USA additional fields

  7. Set any field(s) for import by turning the switch ON.

  8. In the drop-down list, specify the data type.

    Specify data type

  9. Click Next Step.

    A message displays indicating that you are finished. You will also receive a notification when the file becomes available for use.

    Finished message

  10. Navigate to the Results page to access your imported customer data.