Importing Areas from a Spatial File of Polygons

ENVISION allows you to import spatial files of existing polygons to be used as custom areas in reports or as geofences opens in new window in the MobileScapes Data Extract (Canada) opens in new window / MobileScapes Data Extract (US) opens in new window tool.

Inputs Required:

  • Spatial file from MapInfo (.TAB), Esri (.SHP), or Alteryx (.YXDB)

To import spatial objects into ENVISION, you need to have all of the specific components of the file. Both Esri Shape files and MapInfo Tab files have additional components that must be present for ENVISION to properly import the polygons.

Spatial file format components:


  • .TAB
  • .DAT
  • .ID
  • .MAP


  • .SHP
  • .DBF
  • .SHX
  • .PRJ


  • .YXDB


Note: Spatial files should be projected in WGS84, with SRID 4326 in order to best work with ENVISION. If you are unfamiliar with this element of your map file, we would recommend to reach out to whoever in your organization created the file(s).

There are four steps in the process of importing a spatial file:

  1. Upload the File
  2. Specify the Import Settings
  3. Import a File With More Than One Area
  4. Confirmation


Upload the File

  1. On the side panel, click Import Data, then Areas and then Spatial (Polygon).

    Select spatial (polygon) from areas drop-down in import data menu

  2. Drag and drop your file(s) into the upload box, or click the Add button to browse for your file(s).

    Tip: Remember that for both MapInfo Tab files and Esri Shape files, all of the component files must be included.

    Upload files box

    Once a file has been placed in the box, the image will change.

  3. Click the Upload button.

    Click upload button

Specify the Import Settings

The File Preview window will display, and you can adjust the import settings as required.

Note: Your file can contain one or more areas. Be sure to select the right option from the list.

Importing a File with One Area

Specify properties

  1. Specify the Spatial Field from the dropdown. 
  2. In the Area Name box, change the default name if required. This is the name that will be seen throughout ENVISION on all dashboards and maps.

  3. In the Area Description box, give your area a description if required. Add anything that will help to further define what the area represents.

  4. In the Tags box, enter any keywords to make searching for the areas easier in the future. This step is not required and can be skipped.

  5. Turn the Available in all Workspaces on or off as required.

    • OFF means that this file is only available in the current workspace.
    • ON means that this file is available in every workspace.
  6. If the area will be used as a geofence then turn the Geofence switch on. 

    Note: A user-created geofence must be less than 5,000,000 square feet. 

  7. Click Next Step.


Import a File with More Than One Area

Specify properties

  1. Specify the Spatial Field from the dropdown. 
  2. In the Name Field list, click the field that contains the name of your areas. The unique number of names in this list determines the number of areas that will get created.

  3. In the Description Field list, click the field that contains a description of the areas. This is optional.

  4. In the Tag Field list, click the field that contains tags for the areas. This is optional.

  5. Turn the Available in all Workspaces on or off as required.

    • OFF means that this file is only available in the current workspace.
    • ON means that this file is available in every workspace.
  6. If the areas will be used as geofences then turn the Geofence switch on. 

  7. Click Next Step.



Here you can confirm that the number of areas being created is correct.

Confirmation message

If this is correct, click Finish. If not, click Back to make any corrections.

A message will display indicating that you are finished and that you will receive a notification when the file becomes available for use.

Finished message

A notification displays in the bottom-right corner of your screen indicating that the data has been submitted for importing. Depending on the number of areas being imported, it can take a few minutes for the process to complete. Another notification will appear when the file has been uploaded.

Navigate to My Data > Areas to view your newly created areas or navigate directly to an ENVISION tool to use the areas in reporting. 

Select areas from my data menu