Outline: Location Management

In this course, you will learn how to address common ENVISION location management questions, including:

  • How do I import a list of locations?
  • How do I filter and query locations?
  • How do I quickly view key variables to evaluate locations within the mapping interface?

The functionality we will cover will ensure you understand how to:

  • Import a location file with additional attributes and append additional attributes and geography levels
  • Filter and query locations to create separate layers for mapping and to create batch trade areas
  • Run QuickStats reports, allowing you to quickly view key variables and evaluate locations within the mapping interface
  • Edit location attributes with single edits, allowing you to re-geocode on the fly
  • Run trade area executive dashboards for your newly imported locations

Here are some examples of the types of reports and dashboards you will be able to create:

Run QuickStats Reports around your locations:

QuickStats around a location

Run Multiple Dashboards about your location trade areas:

Toggle between dashboards around your location

Ready to begin? Lesson 1: Importing Locations