You can use the MobileScapes Data Extract tool to understand mobile movement better. This tool allows you to create a list of visitors identified within a selected area during a given time frame. This tool uses anonymized, permission-based data collected from location-enabled mobile devices. Visits can be tracked at a specific time and location but cannot be tied back to a particular individual. Please get in touch with your account representative for more information about privacy or how this data is collected.
Specify an area of interest - a geofence - and a time period to return all the visitors detected in that location during that time. Once you have generated a list, you can use it as a list of customers in ENVISION and run customer-weighted reports and analyses as you would with any other customer file.
1. Learn about using geofences for MobileScapes Data Extracts
There are two types of geofences you can use to create your MobileScapes Data Extract:
- Existing: A list of geofences previously created by you or your organization.
- Create: This will allow you to draw an area on the map to specify an area of interest. You can also use an address to find a specific location on the map or move the map to your area of interest by clicking and dragging.
Before using each different type of geofence, it is important to consider the nature of the geofence to better understand your extract. Please read the important considerations here below:
1. Existing Geofences
If you have created areas of interest and would like to use them to create a MobileScapes Data Extract, you can import those areas into ENVISION as geofences. Please note these areas will be subject to the 2,000,000 square foot limit of user-created geofences. You can learn how to import your created areas here: Importing Areas from a Spatial File of Polygons. opens in new window
Important! Be sure to set the imported areas to "Geofence."
2. Create Geofences
When creating geofences, consider the implications of what to include or not in your selection. Also, you must always keep the 2,000,000 square foot size limit in mind.
Here are some examples of several different geofences drawn for a retail location:
All of these are useable geofences, but all will return different results and require some forethought into what the extracts will contain. Some considerations about each geofence:
Red hexagon
Geofence 1: My store footprint (~8k square feet)
- Pings are in the store footprint
- Higher degree of confidence these are "my" visitors
Blue oval
Geofence 2: My store, shopping centre and parking lot (~90k square feet)
- More pings means a larger sample size for more robust reporting
- Likely to capture more visitors/customers interested in my store offering
- Visitors to the shopping centre may still be of interest to our marketing
- More "noise" in the data from non-visitors
- Less likelihood of a "pure" sample of my visitors
Green rectangle
Geofence 3: The neighbouring parking lot (~460k square feet)
- Information about visitors to a neighbouring location
- Possible competitive insights
- Possible overflow parking from my location
- Larger area captures more samples
- Less likely to capture visitors to my store
- Not sure extracted visitors were visiting my shopping centre
- My store is not included in the geofence
Yellow pentagon
Geofence 4: Competitor's store footprint (~35k square feet)
- Competitive insight
- Possible to compare my visitors to competitors' visitors for overlap
These are just some of the considerations for creating a geofence. See our MobileScapes Data Extract Tool opens in new window ENVISION Tutorial for more information on creating your geofences. If you still have questions about best practices, contact your Environics Analytics Account Manager or our Support Team opens in new window for further advice.
2. Use the MobileScapes Data Extract tool to select or create a Geofence
Now that you understand the basics of geofences follow the ENVISION Tutorials for Using MobileScapes Data Extract Tool opens in new window.
3. Analyze your MobileScapes Data Extract using licensed data and mapping tools
To understand the data in your MobileScapes Data Extract, visit the MobileScapes Reports opens in new window page.
Now you can use the techniques you have learned in Customer Analysis Training to analyze and understand your MobileScapes Data Extract(s). Or you can use your extracts in the MobileScapes Trend Tools (follow the link below).
4. Complete
Congratulations, you have selected or created a geofence and now have a MobileScapes Data Extract ready for analysis.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.
Let's move on to Lesson 2: MobileScapes USA Trend Tools