Mapping in SPOTLIGHT

There are several mapping capabilities in SPOTLIGHT. You can create a map from previously created areas within the My Areas page or opt to map variables thematically within the Mapping page. The mapping interface allows you to customize and format your map, utilizing several advanced mapping options. 

Inputs Required:

There are two sections to this article:

  1. Creating a Map
  2. The Mapping Toolbar

Creating a Map

  1. Begin by selecting Mapping.

    Select mapping from menu
  2. Select a database to start mapping.

    Select a database
  3. Select a category within the chosen database.

    Select a category
  4. Select a variable to map.

    Select a variable

    Click Next. 

    Click next button
  5. A mapping workflow has now been created for the variable. Select the Trade Area(s) to map the variable. If the Trade Area is not present, explore Creating Areas in SPOTLIGHT opens in new window to create new Trade Areas.

    Select trade area

    Click Next.
  6. Select the Map Type and Geographic Level to create the map. Click Create Layer and wait for the data layer to load. Then click Next.

    Configure map type and geographic level
  7. Style your map by changing the Method, Classes #, Colour Gradient, Outline Width, and Outline Colour. Choose to present the data using a Choropleth or Graduated Circle. 

    Map styling options

    Toggle between Breaks and Labels to adjust the segments on your map accordingly. Customizing the names of the segments will be reflected in the legend.

    Customize breaks and labels

    Click Update Style after making any changes to the map. 
  8. Close the editor by clicking 'x.'

    Close editor
  9. The Content pane loads, allowing you to see your map layers.

    Content pane
  10. A workflow drives each layer. You can rearrange layers by dragging them up and down and projecting the layers onto your map accordingly.

    Rearrange layers
  11. To open the style editor again or add additional layers to the map, use the Add Layer dropdown menu.

    Add layer menu
  12. Navigate to the Save Map tab and add a Title and Subtitle. Once complete, click Save.

    Save map
  13. Navigate to the Print tab to export your map to a pdf file. Additional customization options are available.

    Print map settings
  14. Click Print Map. A notification will appear in the bottom right corner. 

    Printing notification

    Once the map has been submitted to SPOTLIGHT, a notification will appear on the results tab.

    Results notification

View the map on the Results page.

The Mapping Toolbar in SPOTLIGHT

There are seven tools available through the Mapping Toolbar in SPOTLIGHT; they are defined below.

  1. Search Map: This allows you to search for an address or place on the map. You can also use your current location to pan the map accordingly.

    Search bar
  2. Bookmark: This allows you to save a specific map view to refer to at a later time.

    Bookmark tool

    Note: Bookmarks are saved to your browser. If you need to clear your cache for whatever reason, they will be lost.
  3. Scale/Zoom/Rotation: This allows you to adjust the proportions of the mapping interface. 

    Scale, zoom, rotation settings

    Note: Right-clicking a point in the map will allow you to rotate your map. 

    Rotating map
  4. Annotations: You can add custom text to your map. Text can be further edited and adjusted in the Edit Text and Edit Font tabs.

    Annotations menu
  5. Draw: This allows you to add shapes, lines, symbols, images, and icons to the map.

    Draw menu
  6. Measurement Tools: This allows you to measure custom areas on your map by Distance or Area. Single-click to create a new side, double-click to complete the measurement. Click the Unit drop-down option to change the unit of measure. 

    Measurement tools
  7. Basemaps: You can choose from one of the nine map display options. Learn more about basemaps.opens in new window
