This is likely due to the fact that the source file you are using in ArcMap isn't in a projection that is compatible with ENVISION. Thankfully there is a relatively straightforward solution.
- In ArcMap, load the necessary shape file.
- Navigate to ArcToolBox > Data Management Tools > Projects and Transformations.
- Select Project. The Project tool will open.
- Use the current shape file as the Input Dataset or Feature Class.
- Specify a name and output folder for the Output Dataset or Feature Class. (Ensure to click Save as Type and choose Feature Dataset.)
- Click the button next to Output Coordinate System.
- Open the Geographic Coordinate Systems folder.
- Then open the World folder and select WGS 1984.
- Click OK.
- In the Project dialog box, click OK again. The newly projected file (in WGS84, with SRID 4326) will be available in your specified output folder.