The 2021 CensusPlus dataset includes more than 800 variables, based on data collected by Statistics Canada during the 2021 Census. CensusPlus includes many of the popular variables that analysts and marketers rely on from the Census, including age and sex by 5-year age cohorts, family households by presence of children, children by age group, housing type and tenure, as well as after tax income.
New for 2021, the Census introduced the concept of gender for the first time and makes the distinction between sex at birth and gender. With this, you will see the introduction of the terms Male+ and Female+ within the CensusPlus variable descriptions. Male+ includes cisgender and transgender men while Female+ includes cisgender and transgender women. Due to the small size of the non-binary population, non-binary persons are distributed over these two categories to maintain confidentiality.
For this product, Environics Analytics developed a set of proprietary algorithms for adjusting Census data to make them more usable. This database is enhanced by our modellers to fill in missing values where data are suppressed by Statistics Canada and to correct for random rounding, while maintaining a close relationship to the original Census. This work ensures that there are no missing values in CensusPlus and that the variables add up within thematic categories and across all levels of geography.
The DemoStats database consists of current-year estimates for 734 variables. It includes demographic projections for 466 variables for three, five and 10 years into the future but also provides historical estimates from five years ago based on the same methodologies to ensure accurate trend analysis. DemoStats variables are available at the six-digit postal code level (FSALDUs) for current-year estimates and the dissemination area (DA) level for future-year projections.
DemoStats is created using innovative methods that combine econometric, demographic and geographic models. It employs a variety of data sources, including the latest census, current economic indicators, postcensal estimates from the federal and provincial governments, immigration statistics and economic data such as building permits. DemoStats features variables on population, family structure, household size and type, ethnic diversity, labour force participation and income. The income variables in this database include both averages and distributions.
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Within our DemoStats product, we provide DemoStats current year and DemoStats Trends, which provides a five-year look-back in addition to three-year, five-year, and ten-year projections into the future.
You can identify the type of data by the code prefix:
- EHY = Estimated Historical Year
- ECY = Estimated Current Year
- P3Y = Projected Three Years
- P5Y = Projected Five Years
- P0Y = Projected Ten Years