1. Import a Customer File with Postal Codes
Note: If you have already completed Customer Analysis opens in new window or if your organization does not work with customer data, you can skip this step and proceed to 3. Profile Customers or 4. Profile Variables.
Learn the necessary steps to successfully import a list of customers (or clients, donors, members, subscribers, etc.) using postal codes. You can also import any additional columns of data with the customers. (Other options exist if you have coordinates for your customers instead of postal codes.)
Learn how to prepare a file for import into ENVISION to avoid common mistakes.
ENVISION FAQ (Opens a new page here on our Community)
How do I prepare data for importing files? opens in new window
Upload your Customer File to ENVISION.
Walk-Through (this will open ENVISION and require you to log in)
Import a Customer File by Geocoding opens in new window
ENVISION Tutorials (step-by-step guides hosted here on our Community)
Importing Customers opens in new window (contains guides for importing by address, coordinates or geographic codes)
2. View the Geostats and Download the Customer File
Learn how you can view the geocoding results of your imported customer file, and download it with appended geography and segment code.
View Geostats and Download the Customer File with appended geography and segment code.
Walk-Through (this will open ENVISION and require you to log in)
View GeoStats and Download the Customer File opens in new window
How-to-Read (report interpretation guides hosted here on our Community)
3. Profile Customers
Learn how to run a report that will give you the segment composition of your customers, based on which segmentation system has been chosen for your current workspace. This will use a standard benchmark.
Walk-Through (this will open ENVISION and require you to log in)
Run a Profile - Customers Report opens in new window
How-to-Read (report interpretation guides hosted here on our Community)
PRIZM® Profile & Consumption Profile Reports opens in new window
4. Profile Variable(s)
Learn how to run a report that will give you the segmentation profile of a variable, based on the segmentation system chosen in your current workspace. Many organizations use behavioural profiles in combination with, or in lieu of, customer profiles to help understand their target populations. This will use a standard benchmark.
Walk-Through (this will open ENVISION and require you to log in)
Run a Profile - Variable Report (using a standard benchmark) opens in new window
How-to-Read (report interpretation guides hosted here on our Community)
PRIZM® Profile & Consumption Profile Reports opens in new window
3. Complete
Congratulations, you have now successfully imported and profiled your customers and/or variable(s) in ENVISION!
Please proceed to Lesson 2: Target Group Creation