MoneyMatters Powered by Canadian Financial Monitor (CFM) is a major source of household financial characteristics in Canada. It is based on a large national sample survey of about 16,000 respondents and developed with input from some of the nation’s largest financial institutions. The MoneyMatters database provides competitive insights, channel preferences, and financial behaviour measured by the survey at the six-digit postal code level (FSALDU). With national coverage of over 1,300 variables, the MoneyMatters database is a vital source of consumer information on personal banking, investments, credit, and insurance. MoneyMatters data can also be linked to PRIZM, providing a segment-based analysis for answering diverse financial questions—an invaluable resource for C-suite executives and frontline managers for customer profiling, strategic planning, trade area analysis, and target marketing. MoneyMatters helps financial companies, such as banks, insurance companies, and brokerage firms, to promote their services, evaluate potential branch locations, and cross-sell products to their key customer segments.
What's New?
The 2024 vintage update of MoneyMatters Powered by Canadian Financial Monitor includes over 80 new variables, including data within the Mortgage, Loans, and Investments categories. This year, 29 variables are no longer available due to questions being phased out of the CFM survey.