
The GivingBack database explores how Canadians volunteer their time, donate money, and provide in-kind gifts to charitable and non-profit organizations, with data available at the postal code and dissemination area levels. Based on Statistics Canada’s Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, the database profiles the philanthropic behaviour of Canadians and offers insights into why they support a particular cause. By combining GivingBack with PRIZM® data, users can segment their donor or alumni databases to allocate resources and develop relevant messages to engage prospective audiences. GivingBack was updated with the latest 2018 data from Statistics Canada’s Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating in 2021.

Below are some additional resources linked: release notes, variable list, metadata, and more.

Additional Resources

Source: Statistics Canada’s Survey of Giving Volunteering and Participating

Canadian Concept of Volunteering

Formal Volunteering


  • Unpaid work on behalf of groups and organizations
    • Mandatory unpaid work
    • Employer supported volunteering
  • Amounts of less than one hour reported by organization


  • Informal volunteering (i.e. not on behalf of groups or organizations)

Informal Volunteering



  • Formal volunteering
  • Helping anyone living in the respondent's household
  • Signing a petition, if no further action was taken
  • "Likes" on social media, if no further action was taken

International Concept of Volunteering



  • Mandatory unpaid work
  • Employer supported volunteering
  • Helping anyone living in the respondent's household
  • Helping relatives living outside the respondent's household
  • Signing a petition, if no further action was taken
  • "Likes" on social media, if no further action was taken
  • Amounts of less than one hour (reported by organization for formal volunteering and by category for informal volunteering)

Helping People Directly: Expanded Descriptions

Cooking, etc.: Hours for tasks such as cooking, cleaning, gardening, maintenance work, painting, snow shovelling, or car repairs.

Shopping, etc.: Hours for shopping, driving or accompanying someone to the store or to an appointment.

Paperwork, etc.:  Hours for paperwork tasks such as writing letters, doing taxes, filling out forms, banking, paying bills or finding information.

Health-related, etc.: Hours for health-related or personal care, such as emotional support, counselling, providing advice, visiting the elderly, or unpaid babysitting.

Teaching, etc.: Hours for teaching, coaching, tutoring, or assisting with reading.

Other: Hours for helping people directly in another way.

Improving the Community Directly: Expanded Descriptions

Public Space, etc.: Hours for tasks such as maintaining a park or another public space, planting trees or repairing public facilities.

Public Meetings, etc.: Hours spent participating in any public meetings in which there was discussion of community affairs.

Information, etc.: Hours producing or disseminating information to make others aware of an issue.

Event, etc.: Hours spent organizing or coordinating a group or an event.

Project, etc.: Hours spent helping to develop an economic or social project.

Other: Hours spent on other tasks aimed at improving the community.