Opticks Media Powered by Numeris

Numeris is the leading supplier of radio and TV audience ratings services to the Canadian broadcast advertising industry. Numeris RTS (Return to Sample) is a national survey that queries 38,107 respondents on product usage, leisure, retail behaviour, and media habits. Opticks Powered by Numeris provides lifestyle and media profiles for 4,464 variables across a wide range of topics—from radio and TV usage to retail, finance, technology, and travel behaviour.

The data are available at the postal code level and can help users better understand their customers for a range of media and marketing applications. Users must be Numeris RTS members.

This Opticks Media Powered by Numeris product update introduces variables that capture the method of how the consumer subscribes to television programming. As people are spending more time at home, they tend to spend more time consuming television. The new variables include television consumption as “levels” or combinations of cable/satellite/antenna and online streaming.

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