Within ENVISION you can create a Microsite. A Microsite is a way to share your results outside of ENVISION. A URL is created and you are able to specify which results you'd like to publish to that Microsite. You do not need to have an ENVISION account to access a Microsite.
Use WalkMe Through to be taken through a step-by-step of this process in ENVISION itself. Click on the WalkMe Through button below to get started.
Inputs Required:
- ENVISION report(s)
In this article:
How do I download reports and maps from a Microsite?
Creating a Microsite
In the side panel, click Microsites.
Click Create New.
Give the Microsite a Name and Description and click Next.
Create and confirm a password.
Note: The password must be at least seven characters long and contain at least one uppercase character, at least one number, and at least one special character. Special characters can include but may not be limited to: ! @ # $ % ^ & *
Tip: Be sure to make a note of the password, as it will be needed to access the Microsite outside of ENVISION. There is no way to reset the password for a Microsite.
Click Create. The Microsite is now created and results can be added to it.
Publishing Results to a Microsite
Click the ENVISION logo
to return to the home screen.
In the side panel, click Results.
Select the result(s) you wish to add to the Microsite from the list by clicking on the checkmark next to it
Click the gear icon at the top of the page and choose Publish Selected.
Select the Microsite you would like to add the results to and click Update.
Now that the Microsite has some content in it, you can share it.
Sharing a Microsite
In the side panel, click Microsites.
Open the Microsite by clicking on the name.
Use the Invite button to email the URL for the Microsite.
Tip: You can also copy and paste the URL into an email or another document.