Appending Variables to a Customer File

In both ENVISION Canada and USA Workspaces, you can append variables to customer files. You also have the option to build filters based on variables to dig deeper into your customer analysis.

Use WalkMe Through to be taken through a step-by-step of this process in ENVISION itself. Click on the WalkMe Through button below to get started.

WalkMe Through

Required Inputs:

  1. Use the search box or scroll through the tools to find the Append Variables - Customers tool. Launch the tool by clicking the Play icon that appears when you hover over it.

    Append variables - customers tool icon

  2. Select your Customer Data File.

    Select customer file

  3. Select the data source that you would like to append to your customer file. 

    Select data source

    Note: You can select a maximum of 250 variables.

  4. Select the data source year.

    Select data source year

  5. Expand the categories and click the box beside the variable(s) you'd like to select.

    Select variables

  6. Click Create Report.

  7. Navigate to My Data > Customers to view, add filters or download your appended customer file.

  8. Select your customer file.

    Select customer file

  9. You will see the GeoStats report, along with the Data Fields you appended. You have the option to export your report by clicking GeoStats or investigate further by clicking any of the variables you appended in the Data Fields section.

    Note: You can also build custom filters that are based on the variables that you have appended. 

    Geostats report

    For more information about interpreting results, please see our How-to-Read documentation