Creating and Editing Custom and Favourite Variables

Users have the ability to create and edit custom and favourite variables for mapping and reporting.

Creating a Favourite Variable

  1. In the side panel, select My Data > Variables.

  2. Click Create New.

    Create new button

  3. Click Favourite. The following dialog box will appear.

    From the Select a data source drop-down list, choose the dataset which includes your variable of interest. You may also search for the name of the variable using the Search bar.

    Select a data source

  4. Select the data source year.

    Select data source year

  5. Expand the categories and click the box beside the variable(s) you'd like to select as your Favourites.

    Select variables

  6. Click Create. A status message indicating that the variable has been created will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

  7. To view a full list of your favourite variables, navigate to the side panel and select My Data > Variables.

Learn how to organize your variables opens in new window.

Creating and Editing Custom Variables Using the Aggregated Calculation Method

  1. In the side panel, click My Data > Variables.

  2. Click Create New.

    Create new button

    • Custom Variables are created by using a calculation
    • Favourite Variables have been flagged for future use in one of the other datasets
  3. Click Custom. The following dialog box will appear.

    Custom variable details

  4. In the Name field, type the name of the new variable that you wish to create.

  5. In the Category Description drop-down list, choose Custom.

    Tip: You can also create your own category. To create a new category, type the name in the Category Name field. Ensure you press Enter or Tab, or your newly created Category Description will not be saved. Learn more about organizing your variables opens in new window.

    Name field

  6. You can add a description in the Description box.

  7. You can add any tags that you would like to include in the Tags box.

  8. Click Create. A status message indicating that the variable has been created will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

  9. Click the name of your new variable in the Variables List or Design Variable in the status message.

Editing Custom Variables

These steps will focus on the Formula Builder section of this page.

  1. In the Dataset list, choose the dataset you wish to use.

    Select dataset

  2. In the Calculation Method list, choose Aggregate.

  3. In the Output Variable Type menu, choose Count or Consumption.

    • Choose Count to sum the number of items selected
    • Choose Consumption when reporting on dollars and volumetric data, to work with consumption reports

    Tip: If you are creating a custom variable based on consumption variables, you need to choose Consumption in this menu. Note that when you choose Consumption, it acts as a filter and only shows the consumption variables in the variable list from the chosen dataset.

  4. Select the data source year.

    Select data source year

  5. Expand the categories and click the box beside the variable(s) you'd like to select. You may also search for the name of the variable using the Search bar.

    Select variables

  6. Drag and drop the selected variable into the Formula box.

    Note: The benchmark should be populated automatically when you select the first variable.

  7. Drag and drop the second variable into the Formula box.

    Note: If you chose the Aggregate Calculation Method, there is no need to add a plus sign (+). Any variables chosen will automatically be added together.

    Formula box

  8. When you are finished, click Save changes. A status message indicating that the variable has been saved will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.


There are some intricacies users should be aware of when creating custom variables:

  • This is not a cross-tab tool, it will not uniquely merge variables (adding two variables together will not result in identifying individuals who do both activities)
  • You should use variables from the same database and the same category
  • Do not use variables in the same formula which have different benchmarks
  • Custom consumption variables should only be used in Consumption tool

Creating and Editing Custom Variable Using the Formula Calculation Method

  1. In the side panel, click My Data > Variables.

  2. Click Create New.

    Create new button

    • Custom Variables are created by using a calculation
    • Favourite Variables have been flagged for future use in one of the other datasets
  3. Click Custom. The following dialog box will appear.

    Custom variables details

  4. In the Name field, type the name of the new variable that you wish to create.

  5. In the Category Description drop-down list, choose Custom.

    Tip: You can also create your own category. To create a new category, type the name in the Category Name field. Ensure you press Enter or Tab, or your newly created Category Description will not be saved. Learn more about organizing your variables opens in new window.

    Category name field

  6. You can add a description in the Description box.

  7. You can add any tags that you would like to include in the Tags box.

  8. Click Create. A status message indicating that the variable has been created will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

  9. Click the name of your new variable in the Variables List or Design Variable in the status message.

Editing Custom Variables

These steps will focus on the Formula Builder section of this page.

  1. In the Dataset list, choose the dataset you wish to use.

  2. In the Calculation Method list, choose Formula.

    There are three Variable Output Types:

    • Count is used to add-up the number of items selected
    • Consumption is used for dollars and volumetric data, to work with consumption reports
    • Relative is used for calculations of medians, percentages, and averages so that they are formatted properly in reports and placed in the right column
  3. In the Output Variable Type menu, choose Relative.

  4. Use a combination of the variables list and formula buttons to build a formula similar to the example shown and detailed below.

    Formula box

    1. Begin by selecting the open bracket.

    2. Click to add a second open bracket to ensure the order of operations is maintained.

    3. Select the data source year.;

      Select data source year

    4. Expand the categories and drag and drop the variable(s) you'd like to select. You may need to expand more than one section to find the variables you are looking for.

      Select variables

    5. Click the plus sign (+) in the Formula toolbar.

      Click plus sign

    6. Continue to add any other variables, separating them with additional plus signs (+).

    7. Once complete, place a closing bracket at the end of the formula.

    8. Click the division sign (÷).

    9. Drag and drop the benchmark.

    10. Place another closing bracket after the benchmark.

    11. Click the multiplication sign (x).

    12. Click Numeric, type 100, and click Add.

      Click add button

    13. Click Save changes. A status message indicating that the variable has been saved will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

  5. To view a full list of your custom variables, navigate to the side panel and select My Data Variables.


There are some intricacies users should be aware of when creating custom variables:

  • This is not a cross-tab tool, it will not uniquely merge variables (adding two variables together will not result in identifying individuals who do both activities).
  • Generally, you should use variables from the same database and the same category.
  • Do not use variables in the same formula which have different benchmarks.
  • Custom consumption variables should only be used in Consumption tools.